
Bastard!!: The Manga
Japanese Covers: Bastard!! first appeared in 1988 in Japan.
Currently the manga spans 27 volumes. Due to an erratic publication,
each publication of a new volume is a real miracle to fans.
After several postponements in 2011, Volume 27 was FINALLY released
in March 2012. Unfortunately since then, no sign of Bastard!! in
prepublication schedules...
French Covers: The manga has been translated into several languages and
is still published in foreign countries such as France, Italia, Germany...
The French publication started in 1996.
Complete Edition: In 2000, a first volume of a deluxe version of the manga was released.
In this version called Complete Edtition, several changes occured :
format, computer retouching, added frames, new cover designs...
Complete Edition #2, nearly completly redrawn, is very well-known for its tremendous quality.